Interview mit Oh My Word



Introduce yourself

Hey whats up? We are Jacob and Jordan from Oh My Word. I do vocals and Jake plays guitar and does back ground vocals

You are a band from Ashtabula, Ohio, a city with a population of 20000 people! Is there a real music scene?

Jordan: Yeah the music scene has really grown from a few years ago.The scene in Ashtabula has mostly become Hardcore and punk. Its great to see
that more and more kids from around here are starting bands.

This year, you released your first album "A Drop of Water to Kill the Bother"!How would you describe your album in three sentences to a drunk
but really hot girl, who has never heard of you?

Jacob: It yells. It plays fast. It  plays aggressive, haha

Jordan: Its a passionate album. Its about our regrets. Its about old friends.

Do you have a Label or Sponsors you work with, or do you like the DIY attitude?

Jacob: No, we have no label or sponsors. but we are in the middle of talking to two smaller labels. So we'll see were it goes.

Jordan: We'll always gonna have the DIY attitude. We've done it for so long. We've pressed our own cds, designed and paid for our own merch.

Ever thought about touring Europe?

Jordan: Yeah I think it would be a great experience to go to new countries and play with new bands. Plus I'd get to see the sites which
would be a great tour experience.

Jacob: Yeah I think about it all the time. I love going to places were no one knows you or your music. I have a friend who toured Europe once and he said the kids act way different. I don't know, it would be rad.

If you could trade places with any other band for a week, which band would it be?

Jacob:Hatebreed! Haha

Jordan: Comeback Kid

Which Star Wars character would fit to your sound and why?

Jacob & Jordan: Chewbacca! That wookie is one tough cookie

If you were in the newspaper, on the front page, what would the headline say?

Jacob: MILFS Beware!

Jordan: Probably something stupid like "Oh My Word They're good!" haha

Best Show so far?

Jordan: I'm going to have to say mine was last June when we played our hometown. There were a lot of good bands that played with us and the
kids were really into the whole show.

Jacob: uhm I think my favorite show was a canned food drive we had last December to raise money for families in need. The place got wrecked!

Any last words?

Jacob: Coexist

Jordan: Don't waste your life worrying about dumb little things. Do what you feel is right. Take care of one another.