AGAINST ME und die neue Welle



Tom Gabel von AGAINST ME hat sich kürzlich gegenüber der The National Post zum anstehenden Major Debüt "Nw Wave" geäußert. Über die Musikindustrie sagte er:

"It's kind of a weird time, when you think of it because of the way everything is happening with the music industry, with CD sales continually on the decline and record labels closing right and left. I've been thinking a lot about where the future is -- but I don't have any answers just yet."

Weiterhin fügte er an:

"Most of the time, I just say fuck that, I don't want to be forced to live up to some sort of expectations about what [punk] should be. When it comes to the punk musical genre, it has become limiting, when it was always supposed to be something that was limitless and uncontainable. But as a philosophy, as a way of thinking, I dig it. Completely. "