BAD RELIGION Doppelalbum



Vor wenigen Tagen kursierten die ersten Gerüchte über ein Doppelalbum der Band im Internet, nun haben Greg und Jay sich dazu geäußert:

"[00:02.10] Neil Davis: on the DVD brett said the new album is going to be a double disc? is this true or was he joking?
[00:02.25] Greg Hetson: nojoke
[00:02.43] Neil Davis: awesome, thanks

And here's what Jay said about it:

hmmmmmm... let me see.. if i say it's a joke, it means less work. if i say it's true, it means... i don't know what the hell it means.. so the easy answer is "yes, it will not be a double disc". unless it is. in which case the answer is "yes, the next record will be a double disc". i hope this clears up any misunderstandings once and for all." (Quelle: