DEADSOIL mit neuem Bassisten



Für die, die es noch nicht wusste: DEADSOILs Bassist, stefan hat die Band aus persönlichen Gründen verlassen. Hier ein Statement von Stefan:

"Leaving Deadsoil was in no way an easy decision when thinking of the great times we've had together during the past years. I am proud I had the chance being a part of that whole circus. But in the past months I realized time would be more and more of an issue as there's tons of major changes in my life besides this band - I finally want to finish university, I recently got a new great job I am looking forward to, amongst other great news. I want to thank my buddies in the band for everything and everyone who supported what I was doing, especially my wife , but also Philipp @ MusicMan / ErnieBall, Stefan @ Soundservice, Heri and Torsten @ Radar and Ash @ EEBooking.

I am happy Andreas decided to join the band on bass - he rocks! Watch out for the new recordings - I am sure they KICK ASS!!! See you at shows maybe."

Andreas Schüssler ist der neue Mann am Bass und ein alter Freund der Band, der schon häufiger mal zwischenzeitig eingesprungen ist.

"DEADSOIL wish Stefan all the best for his future and want to thank him for everything he did for the band."