DEATH CAB FOR CUTIE - veröffentlichen neue Single “Black Sun”



DEATH CAB FOR CUTIE streamen ihre Lead-Single “Black Sun” von ihrem mit Spannung erwarteten neuen Album “Kintsugi”. Nachfolgend kann man sich den neuen Song anhören.
Der Bassist Nick Hamer sagte der Us-Ausgabe des Rolling Stone folgendes zum neuen Album:
The album's called Kintsugi. It's a Japanese style of art where they take fractured, broken ceramics and put them back together with very obvious, real gold. It's making the repair of an object a visual part of its history. That resonated with us as a philosophy, and it connected to a lot of what we were going through, both professionally and personally.
In the West, if you break an heirloom, you either throw it away or you make the repair as invisible as possible. But there's this artistic movement in Japan where the repair of it, the damage of it, is more important as part of the history of something than repairing it to its original state.