FOR TODAY - kontroverse Äußerungen des Gitarristen



In einem Tweet gab Mike Reynolds, Gitarrist der christlichen Band, jüngst seine Meinung zur Homosexualität Preis:

“There IS a state church being formed, there is going to be an exclusive acceptance of preachers who advocate the LGBT. Don’t be deceived, homosexuality is a sin. This sin with all other sins is what Jesus died for. He conquered so that we would be free.

No such thing as a gay Christian, the same as there is no such thing as a Christian who loves his sin. Don’t be fooled by the formation of a state church as though the government is being converted, they only use the name of Jesus for their Progressive liberal agenda.

If you are a Christian then separate yourself from this civil religion that advocates sin. Be true to God.”

Darauf hin äußerte sich die Band mit folgendem Statement:

“For Today has always and will always be a band that is about loving people, we have no hatred towards any people regardless of what they believe or how they live. We may not agree on everything but Jesus loves you and died for you. And so would we.
Blessings, For Today“

Zahlreiche Künstler wie THE GHOST INSIDE, STICK TO YOUR GUNS, THIS OR THE APOCALYPSE oder TOUCHE AMORE reagierten bereits auf die Aussagen - letztere u.a. mit diesen Worten:

"Not sure what a For Today is, but that @mikefortoday guy representing them is a real dumb asshole. #whenreadingabookmakesyoudumber