HOT WATER MUSIC - Reunion nimmt Gestalt an



Anlässlich der erst kürzlich angekündigten Reunion von HOT WATER MUSIC, hat die Band folgendes Q&A veröffentlicht, um den vielen Nachfragen seitens der Fans gerecht zu werden. Hier die Fragen und die dazugehörigen Antworten:

"Q: Are you guys still doing The Draft and Chuck solo stuff?
A: Yes, very much so.

Q: Are you going to do another HWM record?
A: We haven't even rehearsed the old shit yet.

Q: How many HWM shows are you going to do?
A: We haven't put a limit on it, but it's not anything we've really thought about, either.

Q: What/how many songs are you guys going to be playing?
A: Who knows/ a bunch, hopefully. We're working on a way to incorporate you all on the set making a bit. Not too much, though. You guys like some terrible songs.

We really, honestly don't know anything aside from the info we're releasing right here. IF anything else is going to happen, we'll be sure to let everyone know as soon as we do. Thanks a ton for the positive response, everyone.
