MOOSE BLOOD - teasern neuen Song



Die britische Emorockband MOOSE BLOOD teasert einen neuen Song namens "Talk In Your Sleep". Anstatt der Song schlicht als Stream zu veroeffentlichen, kann gegen Emailadresse die Tabulatur bzw das Notenblatt heruntergeladen werden und somit ein ganz persoenlicher, einzigartiger Eindruck zur Single gewonnen werden. Alle weiteren genauen Infos sind dem Statement unten zu entnehmen:


We will be releasing the first song from our upcoming new album in the coming weeks. The song is called ‘Talk in Your Sleep’. We wanted to make the sheet music for the melody and lyrics available before you hear the studio version of the song. 

We would love to encourage people to pick up musical instruments and use their voices to create their own interpretations of the song before it's released. Music is such an incredible thing and how different people interpret music is something that has always fascinated us.

We want to put this out there to encourage people to learn, embrace, interpret and enjoy music in their own way. We look forward to sharing our version of the song with you all soon


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