NORMA JEAN - Bald im Studio



Wie sich NORMA JEAN Sänger Cory verkündet gibt es wohl bald wieder neue musikalische Ergüsse von NORMA JEAN.

"After making 'Meridonal,' we really didn't know what we were going to do next. It's hard to imagine that after coming out of so much work and thought being poured into something, but we're starting to see this new record take shape and all I can say right now is it's going to be nasty. If anything, 'Meridional' ended up inspiring us to continue moving forward and doing what we love to do. We also moved our writing space out of Atlanta this time for a new atmosphere where I live in Arkansas. We isolated ourselves a lot more and spent a lot of time together. We'll continue working and will be recording in January with Jeremy Griffith again. We're really excited and are having a blast."