WITH BLOOD COMES CLEANSING - Sänger und Drummer weg



Sänger Dean Atkinson und Drummer Dennis Frazier haben WITH BLOOD COMES CLEANSING verlassen. Hier ein Statement von Gitarrist Scott Erickson:

"Dean and Dennis have both stepped down from their positions in the band to pursue other directions in their lives. As a result we've all come home from tour, burned out and in need of good rest.
"So as for Jeremy [Sims], Matt [Fidler] and myself, we are back home starting up some jobs and spending time with friends.
"Dennis is going to be opening a recording studio in Albany soon, so be sure to check that out if you need some sweet recordings. Dean is in Chicago with his wife and I believe is going to be pursuing things in the ministry field, so I'll keep you guys posted when that's settled and figured out.
"WBCC is not breaking up, but we will be stepping down from the full time touring position. Please be on the lookout for new music and tours further down the road!"