YELLOWCARD bei Hopeless Records



YELLOWCARD sind zurück und werden ein neues, siebtes Album via Hopeless Records veröffentlichen.

Ryan Key (vocals/guitar) sowie die Sean Mackin (violin), Longineu ("LP") Parsons (drums) und Ryan Mendez (guitar) werden fortan durch Sean O’Donnell (bass) unterstützt.

"Hopeless seemed to be the right place for us; they were really interested in working with the band, very proactive, and had a lot of great ideas for us,"
so Ryan Key. "They’re giving us the opportunity to do exactly what we want with it, and we’re thankful to have an established fanbase that is already interested in what we have to put out."

"We have all been big fans of Yellowcard since their early days"
fügt Hopeless Records President Louis Posen hinzu. "Our team is having a great time working with the band and we are thrilled that there is going to be a new Yellowcard album soon. We know the fans want new music and we are honored and humbled that we get to play a part in helping such a great band write the next chapter in their career."

Die Band wird in Kürze mit Produzent Neal Avron die Aufnahmen in Angriff nehmen. Man plant ein Release im Frühling.

"We’re talking about a ton of different ideas, and we’re itching to start as soon as possible," so Key. "Ultimately, we want to make something the fans will love. What we love to do most, is look out from the stage and see people exploding with energy, and I think we keep that in mind while we are writing. We miss being out on the road playing for Yellowcard fans all around the world, and without their support we wouldn’t have a career."