Artikel zu Orange

Interview mit Orange

05.10.2007 - 22:12:04     Orange    

First off, were not kids anymore dude. Were all 19 and 20 now. No offense man, I just have to make sure no one thinks of us as 16 anymore. Anyways, funny you should say that because I actually do like what you call "bubble gum" pop punk. Though I hate bubble gum and refuse to chew it. (Comedy drum fill) ba-dom cha!

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Interview mit Orange

31.08.2005 - 22:05:25     Orange    

Fuck school in the vag. We all hate school and its a fucking shitty waste of time. I left school a year ago now and jack and zak do home schooling. Mike still goes to normal school because they got a good media program. I learn more from The Simpsons that I ever did in school!

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