AWAKEN I AM stellen einen Videoclip zum Song "The Stages Of Grief" vor, der unten zu sehen ist. Der Titel entstammt der ab heute erhaeltlichen EP "The Beauty In Tragedy", die via Victory Records erscheint und dem verstorbene Bandmitglied Connor Verner-Oakley gewidmet ist. Drummer Luke McKenzie kommentiert:
“The love that we all shared with Connor ran so deep. With such a sudden loss we never got the chance to let him know how much we loved him, how proud we are of him and how we cherished the final times we spent together. This recording was the hardest thing we have ever had to work through and move forward from. ‘The Stages Of Grief’ is self-explanatory, we are working through all of this and finding our way of saying he will always be loved and always missed.”