BORN FROM PAIN - Rob übernimmt das Micro



Auf Grund der häftigen Probleme die Kevin mit seinem Kehlkopf hatte, ist Kevin leider auf Grund ärztlicher Anzweisung dazu gezwungen das Miko an den Nagel zu hängen und somit bei BORN FROM PAIN auszusteigen. Die Jungs haben das schon kommen sehen, nicht zuletzt da bei Kevin seit seinem letzten Auftritt im Dezember 2007 keine Besserung zu sehen war. Nachdem BORN FROM PAIN schon nach dem Ausscheiden von Original Sänger Che nach einem Sänger gesucht haben der dem Job gewachsen wäre ist nun die einzige logische Lösung das BFP urgestein Rob Franssen das Miko übernimmt. Rob war bereits mitbegründer und Sänger von Bands wie Feeding The Fire, Bloodsport, Wheel Of Progress und Backdraft.

Und das hat Rob euch zu sagen:
“After Kevin had decided to leave the band many people who are involved with the band urged me to pick up the mic, and since everybody was well-convinced I should be the one taking over due to my past experiences as a singer/front man and being the main, longest lasting face of the band, I just did. We actually never really considered this option but it seemed right to us too and I got increasingly motivated by the trust put in me by many and started practising on the mic with the band. I feel great doing this as I have always written all the lyrics and vocal lines for the songs and I can now shout them myself. The fact that many people seem to feel I am doing a good job is really stimulating of course. Besides that, I feel like this is where I am supposed to be, it feels great again”
Working hard in the practice room for the last couple of months has resulted in a BORN FROM PAIN with a new vocal style that has a more pissed off and aggressive edge (maybe some would say a more hardcore sounding style of singing), adding a new dimension to the BORN FROM PAIN sound. The band is really happy with the outcome and has already been writing the bigger part of the upcoming new album in this line-up. The band is happy to be doing their brand of heavy music and developing further in the sound by adding vocals that are not the typical death metal styled stuff one would expect, the music still being heavy as fuck hardcore with the ever present metal edge. Rob has already started doing live shows. BORN FROM PAIN is currently working on a permanent replacement for the open bass player position."