CURSED EARTH - weitere Vorabsong von "The Deathbed Sessions"



CURSED EARTH veroeeffentlichen ihr neues "Mixtape" namens "The Deathbed Sessions" am 31. Mai. Mit "Tyranny Forever" stellt die Band einen weiteren Vorgeschmack auf das Release vor. 

Gitarrist und Mastermind Kieran Molloy erklaert den Song, der inhaltlich die britische Kolonisation in West Australien um das Konzentrationslager Rottnest behandelt, wie folgt: 

"The scars of these crimes are disguised in plain sight all around where we were raised. We believe that raising international awareness to the ongoing racist policies of the Australian Government is one key to pressuring our officials to take responsibility and we were proud to share the message and song with Larissa and her audience"