BLEED FROM WITHIN - arbeiten an neuem Album



Schottlands BLEED FROM WITHIN sind aktuell mit dem Mixing ihres zweiten Albums im Outhouse Studio in Reading beschäftigt, das Anfang 2010 via Rising Records veröffentlicht werden soll. Dazu die Band:

"[The people at Outhouse] have worked with bands such as ARCHITECTS, THE ARUSHA ACCORD, YOU ME AT SIX and ENTER SHIKARI, [and] we are confident that they will provide the sound we are aiming to capture on this record! We will also be shooting a new music video in January for one of the new songs on the record which we are looking forward to!

"If you've made it along to any of these shows we've just played then you would have had a sneak preview of what's to come as we have been playing a new song 'The Novelist'."