Facedown Records nehmen WRENCH IN THE WORKS unter Vertrag



WRENCH IN THE WORKS aus Connecticut sind offiziell bei Facedown Records untergekommen. Nach einem ersten Longplayer im Jahr 2005 arbeitet die Band derzeit an ihrem zweiten Album. Das Album wird von DARKEST HOUR Gitarrist Mike Schleibaum produziert und soll im kommenden Sommer veröffentlicht werden.

Facedown Records hierzu:

"After hearing their songs, meeting them and seeing them live, we knew that we had to work with this band and we are excited to spread the word about them through Facedown. These guys have been booking their own shows all over the East Coast and nationwide for the past few years; their work ethic is very strong and the music is undeniably heavy and creative."

Checkt die Band bei MySpace.