METALLICA – James Hetfield über das neue Album



METALLICAs Gitarrist und Sänger James Hetfield äußerte sich kürzlich über das neue Album in einer Pressekonferenz:

"It coming along exactly as it should. We're not rushing too much. [We're] taking our time. We want this to be just really good. [Laughs] [We're] sifting through not only… Well, in the old days, we had a riff tape, a cassette each. You know, 'Here's my ideas.' When we were on tour [in support of 'St. Anger'], the [jam sessions in] rehearsal rooms were recorded, so we had about 15 CDs filled — and that wasn't even all of them — of filtered, good basis for songs. So we have a lot of material, which is better than the other way around. So we have a lot to go through and pick out the best. We're going to be [at it] a little while. Rick Rubin is the producer, who's done very amazing things with people, and especially bands that have … think they've gotten as far as they can, he comes in and shows them again what made them what they are and why, and brings them to their roots in a different way. So we're pretty excited about his input."

Einen 26minütigen Film von der Konferenz sowie einiger Live-Einblicke kann man sich hier anschauen.