WITH OPEN ARMS - Canceln Eurotour



WITH OPEN ARMS müssen leider ihre Europatour, aufgrund eines Unfalls, absagen. EVENWORSE spielen die Tour alleine weiter...

Hier die offizielle Stellungnahme

With Open Arms is sorry to anounce that we´ll not be able to Play the European Tour 2011. Due to terrible circumstances our Drummer Benjamin broke his collarbone and is not able to play for at least another six weeks. Even though we tried hard, we we´re not able to find somebody who is able to replace him for those 16 days. We, as the band are truly, deeply sorry and sad that we will miss out on this beautifull experience to play in many different cities all over europe, meet nice and dedicade People and have a good time with our mates in Evenworse, who will be on the Road on there own, yet, not alone. We wish them the best of times and hope for second Chances.
With Open Arms