AUGUST BURNS RED - Video zu "Bones" veröffentlicht



Am vergangenen Freitag haben AUGUST BURNS RED ihr neues Album "Guardians" veröffentlicht und dafür bereits einiges an Lob erhalten. Nun stellt die Band ein neues Musikvideo zum Song "Bones" vor. 

Brent Rambler kommentiert: 

"The video for 'Bones' is possibly the coolest music video we've ever done. It takes the song title quite literally, and creates an awesome and visually stunning video. It was a weird video for us to shoot, because for the vast majority of it we had to stand perfectly still, so all of the x-ray and other effects could line up properly. That's definitely a departure from a usual music video where you are supposed to bang your head as hard as possible all day long. We've been at this for a while so our old 'Bones' (wink) were happy for the change of pace."

"Guardians" ist bereits das achte Studioalbum der Metalcore-Formation.