HOT WATER MUSIC haben verkuendet, ihr neues Album "Feel the Void" im naechsten Jahr erstmals via End Hits Records zu veroeffentlichen. An den neuen Songs arbeitete die Punk/Posthardcoreband aus Gainesville mit Brian McTernan (Battery, Be Well) - an den Aufnahmen beteiligt waren erstmals alle drei Gitarristen der Band: Chuck Ragan, Chris Wollard und Chris Cresswell (THE FLATLINERS). Im Herbst 2022 kommt die Band dann zudem zusamen mit SAMIAM und BOYSETSFIRE zusammen auf Tour.
HOT WATER MUSIC zum neuen Album:
"We are very excited to be signed to Equal Vision and End Hits for our upcoming record, "Feel the Void." Recording this record was a very cool combination of old and new. Reuniting with Brian McTernan as a producer while watching Chris, Chuck, and Cresswell work together for the first time resulted in the recording and writing magic that we had all hoped we would be able to create.
We truly cannot wait to get back on the road and share these new songs live, especially in Oct 22 with BSF and Samiam!
Thanks for all of your support over the years, we promise this record is the one you've been hoping for."
Plus Special Guest: SAMAIM
05.10.2022 BE–Antwerpen, Zappa
06.10.2022 NL–Amsterdam, Melkweg
07.10.2022 DE–Dortmund, Warsteiner Music Hall
08.10.2022 DE–Hannover, Swiss Life Hall
09.10.2022 DE–Berlin, Columbiahalle
10.10.2022 DE–Nürnberg, Löwensaal
11.10.2022 DE–München, Tonhalle
12.10.2022 AT–Wien, Gasoemter
13.10.2022 DE–Stuttgart, LKA-Longhorn
14.10.2022 DE–Wiesbaden, Schlachthof
15.10.2022 DE–Wiesbaden, Schlachthof