"Priests of Sodom", der neue Videoclip der Paten des Death Metals, CANNIBAL CORPSE, ist ab sofort zum Onlinevergnügen freigeschalten. HIER geht es entlang.
Das Video zu Priests of Sodom wurde im Februar mit Regisseur Kevin Custer (Overkill, Hatebreed, System Divide, Lacuna Coil, Tombs, Testament) in Florida abgedreht.
Bassist Alex Webster hierzu; "We had a great time working with Kevin Custer on the 'Priests of Sodom' video; he was totally professional and really seemed to understand what to do with our music. He brought a lot of cool new ideas to the table, ideas that may very well make this our most intense video yet. We're all very psyched to see the final product."