Unter dem Namen DAN ANDRIANO & THE BYGONES veroeffentlicht der ALKALINE TRIO Bassist eine neue Single. THE BYGONES setzen sich zusammen aus Dylan und Randy Moore (Get Married) - anbei kann "Sea Level" im Stream angehoert werden, der ab sofort via Epitaph Records erhaeltlich ist. Andriano kommentiert den Song, der in Eigenregie produziert wurde, wie folgt:
“I think for me, the song is about self-realization and mental illness, finding your way to where the help is. I recently had my first taste of elevation sickness being higher up in the Rockies than I’d ever been. As we were boarding the flight home I thought aloud to my wife, ‘Just get me back to sea level’. By the time I had found my seat, I was thinking to myself, that’s not a bad metaphor for what I’ve been searching for mentally, which is a better awareness of myself and trying to identify sooner when I’m spinning out or sinking down.”