

JACK'S MANNEQUIN Frontmann Andrew McMahon hat folgendes Update veröffentlicht:

"Not to retread the past, but the west coast is definitely hitting it's stride and I am once again pleased to be home for this my favorite season. I moved in recent months and as things have started to settle just looking around is now a constant state of discovery. Perhaps this is why I am always moving. A poor mans attempt to change his perception of the world. The question is, will changing what I look at really alter my perception or just my address? At the moment, with the sun burning bright, questions like these come and go at an alarming rate.

Thankfully. In all honesty this is issue might not be such a poetic one. I mean the rent was up. Anyway, everyone get off your computers. The sun is out and it's crocodile mile time. PS. The Instant Karma record is out now. There are a lot of amazing John Lennon Covers on there, and purchasing this record is a way to directly donate to the Amnesty International aid efforts in the Darfur region of Africa. I highly recommend Regina Spektor's cover of "Real Love". She is incredible."