STAKE - Video zu "Devolution"



Die Belgier von STAKE veröffentlichten ihr neues und aktuelles Album im letzten November via Hassle Records. In der gegenwaertigen Isolation kreierte Sänger und Gitarrist Brent Vanneste einen Videoclip zum darauf enthaltenen Song "Devolution", welcher anbei zu sehen ist. Vanneste kommentiert: 

"We were not planning to release this single at this time, but everything about it is so scarily fitting to the state of the world we are currently living in, and once we started to think about it, and about the video, it all just made a lot of sense to us. With a lack of opportunities to make a video outside the comfort of our homes, due to quarantine, we used free public domain footage. To then further enforce the DIY nature of this video, the export function in iMovie wasn't working so we had to film the screen!"