THE BOTTOM LINE - neue Videosingle



THE BOTTOM LINE melden sich mit einer neuen Single zurueck. Zum Song "Long Time Coming" stellt die Rockband unten einen Videoclip vor, aktuell arbeiten THE BOTTOM LINE mit Produzent Romesh Dodangoda in den Marshall Studio am Nachfolger zum 2018er "No Vacation". Frontmann Cal Amies sagt: 

“It's a bit of a weird one to say exactly what 'Long Time Coming' is written about as when we first started the writing process it was before the pandemic. We had been let down by a few people and even felt like we'd been advantage of in some cases. Over the recording process 'LTC' took on a life of its own and we all feel it means so much more than that now... This song belongs to all of you. Whether a celebration of the pandemic slowly becoming a part of our history, something you’re proud to have conquered or a middle finger to people who haven’t believed in you, we really hope and believe that anybody can connect to this song. So however you interpret it, we hope you love it, and we can't wait to get back to playing live so we can play it for you. Stay healthy, stay happy!”