Nach 7 gemeinsamen Jahren haben sich die kalifornischen Hardcore Recken von THE MISTAKE aufgelöst. Javier Van Huss, der eine neue Band mit seinen Kollegen Dave und Mark gründen wird, hat folgendes Statement veröffentlicht:
"I think the final nail in the coffin was when my other band played at showcase, and as soon as I rolled up, some kid said 'hey, who are you going to talk shit on tonight?' You'd be surprised how many fucking times I heard that question. Might as well have said 'dance, monkey.' Bottom line is I'm just not that angry anymore. I've been the only original member of the mistake for a long time. I just dont feel like doing it anymore. sometimes playing shows was the best fucking feeling ever and other times it was downright embarrassing. I'm not saying that a new band will be more mainstream, and concerned with being 'popular,' because I know that I will never be that in my life. I just feel like it's time to express myself differently. This new band, no matter who plays with us in the future, will only be more brutal, faster, and more extreme.
If you are reading this, and have ever been IN the mistake, come to the last show and jump on stage and play a song. Beev will be flying down. Bandcamp and Alex will both play drums at some point. I'd like for every song to be played with a different lineup. There will also be plenty of covers. All the other bands playing are not only our friends, but they are fucking amazing bands. All of them. Couldn't ask for anything more. Hope to see you there."