Die Emo/Posthardcorehelden von THE USED melden sich mit einem Song zurueck. Zudem soll am 24. April mit "Heartwork" ein neues Album der Band aus Utah erscheinen - erstmals via Hassle Records. Die Vorabsingle "Paradise Lost, A Poem By John Milton" wurde von John Feldman (u.a. GOLDFINGER, BLINK-182) produziert - unten gibt es den Videoclip im Stream. THE USED-Sänger Bert McCracken kommentiert:
"I’ve always been a bit obsessed with Paradise Lost. I really dug deep into the poem and its author, John Milton. As I was reading a lot of his political essays, I realized that a lot of what ’Satan’ says in Paradise Lost are quotes directly from John Milton’s own mouth. A lot of people thought he was the devil back then. He had a huge problem with the show of opulence from the Church. He thought it was disgusting. His poem is about the failed revolution against the Church of England, which is Satan’s failed revolution on earth. And what’s more incredible or exciting than a failed revolution?"