CURRENTS - stellen neue Videosingle als Vorgeschmack auf "The Way It Ends" vor



CURRENTS werden ihr neues und passend betiteltes Album "The Way It Ends" am 5. Juni via Sharptone Records veroeffentlichen. Vorabs gibt es mit "A Flag To Wave" einen neuen Song der Hardcoreband, zu dem Frontmann Brian Wille und Co auch einen Videoclip abgedreht haben. Zuletzt hatte die Band 2018 ihre EP "I Let The Devil In" released. Wille kommentiert: 

"'A Flag to Wave' is about the search for identity and purpose. This song goes out to anyone looking for meaning in their lives and to those who have already found it. Over the last four years, we have traveled the world trying to make a name for ourselves - playing shows with some of our favorite bands and touring all over the United States, Europe, the UK, and parts of Canada. We've been met with various hardships along the way, but have also been met with unprecedented kindness, support, and friendship that we will cherish and appreciate for the rest of our lives. There are no plans of stopping and with our new record, we plan to hit the world harder than ever"