Die erst kuerzlich von Ferret Records gesignten FOXY SHAZAM haben neben ienem kleinen Statement zu ihrem anstehenden Label-Debuet (VÃ: Januar 2008), "Introducing Foxy Shazam", auch das dazugerhoeroge Cover und die Tracklist praesentiert. Hier das Statement:
"[Influenced by] contemporaries like At the Drive-In, Gogol Bordello, Man Man, and others in the modern piano-driven punk era, Foxy Shazam construct a formula of chaotic and disjointed, convulsive punk rock, complete w/ apocalyptic lyrics and doom-ridden instrumentation."

Hier die Tracklist:
1. Introducing Foxy
2. The Rocketeer
3. A Dangerous Man
4. The Science Of Love
5. A Black Man's Breakfast
6. It's Hair Smelled Like Bonfire
7. Red Cape Diver
8. Yes! Yes! Yes!
9. Ghost Animals
10. Cool