RIPPED TO SHREDS wurden urspreunglich als Einmann-Projekt von Andrew Lee gegruendet und haben bereits zwei Alben veroeffenltlicht. Die mittlerweile zum Trio herangewachsene Band aus der Bay Area unterschreibt nun bei Relapse und wird dort im naechsten Jahr ihr drittes Album herausbringen. Unten kann mit der aktuellen Single “燒冥紙 (Sacrificial Fire)” ein Eindruck zum Sound der Deathmetalband gewonnen werden. Zum Signing sagen RIPPED TO SHREDS:
“We're all very excited to be a part of Relapse's roster, since Relapse has meant so much to our early journeys through extreme music. We're also excited to be one of the first all Asian-American bands signed to Relapse, since the Asian-American experience informs the entire concept of Ripped to Shreds. The Bay Area is rich with Asian talent in the hardcore scene, with massive bands like Sunami and Gulch drawing droves of other Asian Americans to shows; we hope to do the same for death metal in the Bay. Our new record will showcase the same chainsaw death metal/grind as we've always done, with a bit of a Finndeath twist this time around, as well as the fastest blasting we've ever managed to extract out of our drummer. We'll work him until his hands fall off.”