Die italienische Poppunkband SUNSET RADIO stellt einen Videoclip zu "My Everything" vor. Der Song ist die erste Vorabsingle ihres Albums "All The Colors Behind You", welches am 15. Oktober via This Is Core erscheint. Der Clip zurde in Ravenna auf einem 180 Meter hohen Turm gedreht - die Band kommentiert die Single wie folgt:
"If You ever feel that you're under the weight of your past mistakes and there's no way you can't make it, well, This Song is for you. This Song, and the whole new album, are a step forward from our last record "Vices". We were influenced by pop-punk bands like State Champs, Neck Deep, Real Friends, as well as hardcore-punk legends like No Use For A Name, so our goal on the new record was to blend this two worlds in one"