YEAR OF THE KNIFE - zweiter Vorgeschmack auf "Internal Incarceration"



Das neue und erste YEAR OF THE KNIFE Album heisst "Internal Incarceration" und erscheitn am 7. August via Pure Noise Records. Die Hardcoreband aus Delaware arbeitete an den Songs (hoerbar) mit Kurt Ballou (Converge, Code Orange, Nails) und stellt anbei mit "Manipulation Artist" einen zweiten Vorabsong im Stream vor. 

Die Band setzt sich aus einem Ehepaar und einem Zwillingsbruderpaar zusammen. Bassistin Madison Watkins kommentiert:

“Almost every straight edge person I know has been touched by loss. Those experiences can make you feel alone, but they’re something a lot of people within hardcore have gone through and can relate to. People that gravitate towards this music often have this darkness in their lives, but hardcore can be a beacon where they can find community and relief. It can be a really incredible outlet for getting that negativity out and finding people who understand you"