News zu Houston Calls

HOUSTON CALLS aufgelöst (2003-2009)

12.06.2009 - 08:25:50     Houston Calls    
Drive-Thru Act HOUSTON CALLS hat sich aufgelöst. Hier das Statement: After about 6 years, hundreds of shows, a bunch of great tours in 3 continents outside of our own, Houston Calls is calling it a day. Suffice it to say, we didn't come to this decision lightly, and it's one that pains us, even though it's what we've decided is best for us. The... mehr »

HOUSTON CALLS schmeißen Mitglied raus

05.01.2009 - 07:56:28     Houston Calls    
Hier der Blogeintrag der Band: " as if it couldn?t get any worse Our good "friend" Jose has decided to shack up with my (Tom) ex-girlfriend immediately after she broke my heart and left me. The two hid it from me for weeks over christmas and only until yesterday when I had to find out was I informed. Great guy! Stand up guy! Well to put it bluntly... mehr »

HOUSTON CALLS - Album Teaser online

01.10.2008 - 07:57:30     Houston Calls    
HOUSTON CALLS haben einen Teaser Track zu ihrem neuen Album online gestellt. Ihr findet ihn bei... mehr »


30.05.2008 - 07:56:44     Houston Calls    
HOUSTON CALLS haben ein Update zu ihrem neuen Album veröffentlicht: "Jarrett here! Well we have been out of the studio for a bit over 3 weeks and I think it's time for an update. We are on the final stages of the mixing and then it's off to mastering. We are moving along with artwork and trying to get everything done and ready so this record can... mehr »

HOUSTEN CALLS - Neuer Demo Song online

11.08.2007 - 16:04:08     Houston Calls    
HOUSTEN CALLS haben einen neuen Demo Song online gestell. Ihr findet ihn bei... mehr »

HOUSTON CALLS - Gitarrist verlässt Band

27.11.2006 - 00:00:46     Houston Calls    
HOUSTON CALLS Gitarrist Kenny hat sich dazu entschlossen die Band zu verlassen. Hier sein Statement: \"This was not an easy decision for me to make, I\'ve been trying to figure out other solutions for months now but the only true solution is for me to take responsibility for the debt that I have made. I love all my band mates like brothers, we\'ve... mehr »